September 2014 Update – African Fat-tailed Geckos


Greetings everyone!  It has been awhile since my last update, and I do have to apologize.  The short explanation is that my father passed away late last year, and I had a lot of things to take care of within the family.  Around that same time, I also took on additional responsibilities at work.  The additional responsibilities is a good thing, but it also meant I had less time to browse gecko forums, update blogs, and create fun gecko videos.  Now that things have settled down a bit, we are finally going to post the beautiful geckos we’ve hatched out this season. Continue reading “ September 2014 Update – African Fat-tailed Geckos” February 2014 Buy 2 Get 1 Free Sale!

We’ve posted some new geckos for sale, more to come within the next week or two. We are having a special BUY 2 GET 1 FREE sale in February only.  Simply add two leopard geckos to the shopping cart and pay for them.  Note in the comments box which FREE gecko you would like to add to your order.  The free gecko must be equal to or less than the value of the highest price of the geckos you are purchasing.  For an example, ordering a $95 + $75 geckos, your free gecko can be up to $95 in value.  Please note the free gecko is on a first come first serve basis.  You will pay shipping only once for the entire order!  Free shipping at $350+ still apply. Continue reading “ February 2014 Buy 2 Get 1 Free Sale!”

Introducing Ares – Super Giant Mack Snow Raptor Leopard Gecko

introducing ares super giant mack snow raptor leopard gecko

Introducing Ares, the largest super giant leopard gecko in our collection, one of the largest super giants in the world. Weighing in at 170g and 12 inches long. He’s a super giant mack snow raptor with double solid ruby red eyes. Extremely docile and calm, he is going to be a great breeder for us.

See his weight and length measurements here:

For breeding purposes, per Ron Tremper:

Super Giant X Super Giant = 100% Super Giant
Super Giant X Giant = 50% Super Giant / 50% Giant
Super Giant X Normal = 100% Giant
Giant X Giant = 25% Super Giant, 50% Giant, 25% Normal
Giant X Normal = 50% Giant / 50% Normal

Our cat just had to make an appearance in the video, you’ll see him towards the end of the video.  His name is Cairo, breed is Egyptian Mau, and he’s almost 2 years old.  I thought about editing it out but it’s something that you can’t plan for even if you script it, so I figured to leave him in the video for giggles 🙂

Dubia Roaches As Feeders – High Protein Diet – And Gout In Leopard Geckos

leopard gecko feeding feeder insects nutrition dubia roaches

Dubia roaches (Blaptica dubia) have become increasingly popular in the recent years.  Hobbyists are finding out that dubia roaches are great staple diet for their leopard geckos.  Not only are dubia roaches a healthy, low fat feeder.  They are also fairly clean, they do not smell, jump, climb smooth surface, or make obnoxious noises.  Dubia roaches also breed well in a colony, allowing leopard gecko hobbyists to keep a live stock of all sizes ready to be fed off to their geckos.  Unlike crickets and mealworms, their life cycle is very long, allowing you to keep them longer before having to feed them off.  Pretty much you get the benefits of healthy feeders like crickets, without the negatives.  They are also hardy, and very meaty compared to most feeders when looking at the meat to chitin ratio.

Dubia Roaches vs Crickets for Leopard Geckos

A big reason for their increased popularity has to do with the cricket virus that nearly wiped out the cricket stock.  This cricket virus is now affecting more than just domestic house crickets, so reptile hobbyists had to look for a new, reliable feeder source.  As more hobbyists get over their roach phobia (something I had to get over as well), more and more hobbyists are keeping a running colony of dubia roaches to feed them off to their leopard geckos & reptiles.  Unfortunately with increased popularity, there are also lots of misinformation being spread regarding dubia roaches, particularly with their diet. Continue reading “Dubia Roaches As Feeders – High Protein Diet – And Gout In Leopard Geckos”