Wanting to share this beautiful, hot looking Radar. Currently at 3 weeks old, this gecko is going to be beautiful.
Continue reading “Hatchling Happenings – Beautiful Hot Radar”
OnlineGeckos.com Gecko Breeder
Leopard Geckos For Sale – Gecko Care Guide – Leopard Gecko Breeding – Breeder Collections
Wanting to share this beautiful, hot looking Radar. Currently at 3 weeks old, this gecko is going to be beautiful.
Continue reading “Hatchling Happenings – Beautiful Hot Radar”
I was trying to think of a way to follow up to the cute pics of eclipse hatchlings below. Figured the best way to do so is by capturing a couple of videos of these geckos during feed time. I hope you enjoy these videos, they’re cuteness overload 🙂 Note that both of these baby geckos prefer hand feeding with tongs. What can I say, they’re spoiled. With faces like these, how could you refuse to hand feed them?
A couple of weeks ago, a clutch of eclipse baby geckos hatched at the same time. I wanted to share this because they are so cute. One of the clutch mates actually got stuck in the egg for awhile, I had to help pull her tail and hind legs out. Here are some pictures, please enjoy them.
Adorable eclipse hatchlings, both hatched at the same time:
Isn’t she the cutest thing or what? Solid black eyes, great body color:
This hatchling’s tail and hind legs got suck inside the egg:
Continue reading “Hatchling Happenings – Beautiful Eclipse Leopard Geckos”
This week I’ll be posting many leopard geckos on our website for sale. Here’s just a sample of what have already been posted. Many more to come this week! Please stop by sometime and take a look, thank you 🙂
Super Hypo Tangerine Carrot-tail Baldy
Total Eclipse (Super Snow Eclipse) Continue reading “New Leopard Geckos Posted For Sale 9-30-2013”