Here’s our leopard gecko hatchling before after pictures for 2019 hatches! Our readers have expressed great interest in seeing how leopard gecko hatchlings change as they grow up. Below you will find fresh out of the egg gecko hatchlings, with pictures of what they look like after 3-4 months. To purchase our beautiful leopard geckos, please visit our leopard geckos for sale page. New geckos and breeders are still being posted.
Leopard gecko hatchling before after – first eggs
The first clutch of leopard gecko eggs were laid on April 18th, 2019. The parents for this clutch were our keystone male, Asclepius, a Giant Hot Moose. And our beautiful female breeder, a TUG Tremper Sunglow.

We incubated the eggs for male, incubation temperature was 87 degrees Fahrenheit. The first gecko was hatched on May 15th, 2019. This is a great leopard gecko hatchling before after example, showing you just how much these beautiful geckos change when they grow up. This male is a Giant High Contrast Tremper Albino, first the hatchling picture:

And now the after picture, this is what this boy looked like after 4 and half months:

What a beautiful transformation! This boy turned out to be hot orange/yellow, with a beautiful carrot-head, high contrast white bands, and a nice high contrast white tail with small amount of carrot coloration. You could never have imagined this hatchling would’ve turned out this way. This is a part of the excitement to breeding leopard geckos, because you never know what you’ll get until they mature.
Leopard gecko hatchling before after – more pictures
This leopard gecko hatchling is a Super Snow Diablo Blanco, first the hatchling picture:

And now the 3 and half months after picture:

This boy turned out all white, with double solid ruby red eyes. What an amazing white devil!
Next we have this beautiful Tangerine hatchling female:

And here she is after 3 months:

This girl turned out to be a beautiful tangerine with deep orange coloration, green bands, and dark bold spotting on her head, body, and tail.
Next we have a double, these two hatchlings are clutchmates. To the left, a Blood Albino, to the right a Tangerine:

Now the pictures 3 months after:

These two turned out amazing! The Blood Albino is hot orange with high contrast white spotting on both head and body. While the Tangerine is orange/yellow with lavender stripes, and dark bold spotting throughout.
This next boy is a Super Hypo Tangerine Carrot-tail Baldy, first the hatchling picture:

And 5 months later:

Such a beautiful super hypo tangerine, he has smooth body, smooth head, a nice carrot-tail, overall just a great example of a SHTCTB.
This next hatchling is a Mack Snow Diablo Blanco female:

And here she is 2 and half months after:

Such an amazing morph, she is snow white with double solid ruby red eyes. One of my personal favorites.
Here we have a Giant Tremper Sunglow female, hatchling picture:

And here she is 4 months after:

Is she cute or is she cute? This girl turned out out to be a beautiful Sunglow, with sunshine glow body, a nice carrot-tail, and silver tremper albino eyes with red veins.
Next we have another double, clutchmates hatched on the same day, both boys. To the left, High Contrast Tangerine Tremper Albino, to the right Tremper Sunglow.

Now here they are 3 months after:

As hatchlings, they looked very similar. But 3 months later, they look completely different! One boy became a beautiful, sharp High Contrast Tangerine Tremper Albino. He has hot orange carrot-head and coloration throughout his body, with high white contrast on his body and tail. Where as the other boy turned out to be this beautiful sunshine Sunglow, with a beautiful smooth body, and a nice carrot-tail.
We hope you enjoyed our leopard gecko hatchling before after update for 2019. We look forward to posting the same comparison updates next year during our 2020 breeding season! If you would like to see our 2018 leopard gecko before after updates, please check out this blog post.
Please be sure to read our leopard gecko care guides on temperature, and vitamin supplement needs before purchasing leopard geckos.