Best Reptile Incubator 2017 2018 – Leopard Gecko Incubation – Natures Spirit

best reptile incubator Natures Spirit leopard gecko incubation eggs

Leopard gecko hobbyists often ask, “my leopard gecko laid eggs, what do I do?”  The topic of leopard gecko incubation often comes up unexpectedly.  Maybe you didn’t know the group of leopard geckos you are housing together contained a male.  Or perhaps you’ve always wanted to get into leopard gecko breeding, so the eggs are a pleasant surprise.  In this article we’ll discuss the best reptile incubator money can buy in 2018.  We will also go over specifics of leopard gecko incubation, such as ideal incubation medium, temperature sexing, incubation temperature, and egg incubation period.

The Best Reptile Incubator 2017 – 2018 – Natures Spirit

The best reptile incubator of 2018 is without a doubt, Natures Spirit incubator.  It measures a whopping 24″ Tall x 24″ Deep x 19″ Wide.

best leopard gecko incubator Natures Spirit reptile eggs incubation

These Natures Spirit incubators are solidly built.  They come with 2 removable shelves, a large clear plexiglass door for easy viewing, heavy duty secure latches, air circulation fan, and they weigh only 40lbs.  Put it all together, you have the best reptile incubator available for small to mid-sized breeders, no matter if you are an amateur gecko hobbyist or professional breeder. Continue reading “Best Reptile Incubator 2017 2018 – Leopard Gecko Incubation – Natures Spirit”

Leopard Gecko Breeding Season 2018 leopard gecko breeding season 2018

The 2018 leopard gecko breeding season is upon us.  Every year adult female leopard geckos will start to ovulate around January through June/July.  If you have an adult leopard gecko, you should start to notice some behavior and feeding changes soon.

Both male and female leopard geckos could refuse food off and on throughout the breeding season, as we outlined in “My Leopard Gecko Won’t Eat” article.  Some leopard geckos will fast through the whole season.  You should not be alarmed.  This is all part of the normal leopard gecko breeding season cycles. Continue reading “Leopard Gecko Breeding Season 2018”