Difference Between Leopard Gecko and Fat Tailed Gecko

difference between leopard gecko and fat tailed gecko normal wildtype stripe

What’s the difference between leopard gecko and fat tailed gecko?  Leopard gecko and african fat-tailed gecko share the same subfamily “Eublepharidae”.  Eublepharidae are a family of geckos lacking sticky pads on their toes (they have claws instead).  They also have movable eyelids unlike other species of geckos.  Aside from being in the same subfamily, leopard gecko and african fat-tailed are two different species from different parts of the world.

difference between leopard gecko and fat tailed eclipse

Leopard Gecko vs African Fat Tail Gecko – Where are they from?

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Did You Know? Leopard Geckos Do Not Urinate They Excrete Urates

leopard gecko urate feces

Did you know that leopard geckos do not urinate?  Leopard geckos are arid creatures.  In the wild, they have evolved to adapt to dry environment.  They do not urinate, they excrete urates as means of water conservation.  When urates are created, there is minimal water loss in leopard gecko’s body, while waste such as uric acid and other chemical compounds are excreted.  Urates are the soft but solid white chunks that get passed usually along with feces.  When crushed urate often turn into powdery substance.  A healthy leopard gecko should pass white urates, as yellow urates often indicate dehydration.

Can leopard geckos pass urate without feces?

Yes, you see it quite often during the breeding season when both male and females stop feeding.  They will still excrete urates without feces.  Do not be alarmed if you see a white urate by itself. Continue reading “Did You Know? Leopard Geckos Do Not Urinate They Excrete Urates”